Build a Thriving Gym Business So You Can Make More Money, Help More People, And Create Freedom in Your Business And Lifeā€¦"
During this two day intensive Mastermind weekend we'll be filling DeFanco's Gym with 12 gym owners who are ready to scale their gym business to the next level. Here's some of the things we'll be doing and covering:
- Experience high-level training sessions put together and run by Joe D (train with the legend!)
- Learn the exact structure youā€™ll need to build a bulletproof gym business
- Learn our paid-in-full plays where you can generate thousands of dollars in a weekĀ
- How to bolt on high ticket nutrition coaching for your members
- Team building so you can create more freedom in your business and life
- Brand building
- Exclusive hot seat discussions to help solve your biggest bottlenecks in business

Plus, we'll be breaking bread together at five-star restaurants and have some exciting excursions planned, too.
This ain't gonna be some boring mastermind weekend where you're stuck in a conference room all day!
This is going to be an action-packed weekend where you'll get ACTIONABLE strategies that will make you more money in your business right away!
Only 12 Spots Available